lock screen | Tag | ohneKontur - der Blog https://www.ohnekontur.de ohne Linien und Kanten und trotzdem gefangen Fri, 28 Nov 2014 09:53:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 Shortcut to lock the screen on a mac https://www.ohnekontur.de/2013/02/14/shortcut-to-lock-the-screen-on-a-mac/ https://www.ohnekontur.de/2013/02/14/shortcut-to-lock-the-screen-on-a-mac/#comments Thu, 14 Feb 2013 15:10:02 +0000 http://www.ohnekontur.de/?p=2255 Sometimes i don’t want to put my macbook air asleep because of some job that is running. But i have to leave the room so i need to lock it. So there is a shortcut for locking the screen: Shift+Crtl+Eject … Continue reading

The post Shortcut to lock the screen on a mac first appeared on ohneKontur - der Blog.]]>
Sometimes i don’t want to put my macbook air asleep because of some job that is running. But i have to leave the room so i need to lock it.
So there is a shortcut for locking the screen:


This works on the most macs, but the macbook air has no Eject button on the Keyboard. So on systems without an Eject button you have to use:


The post Shortcut to lock the screen on a mac first appeared on ohneKontur - der Blog.]]>
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